On Zanele's 30th birthday, her family and friends surprise her live on national television

On Zanele's 30th birthday, her family and friends surprise her live on national television

Zanele Potlewa broke down in tears live on national TV while hosting the Expresso Show.

The TV personality was surprised by her family and friends for her 30th birthday.

“I SOBBED on television on @expressoshow ??? FULL TV CLIP in my next post ??? my chosen family (literally EVERYONE in this clip, everyone who was In the JHB and CPT Studios who aren’t in this clip cause they were BTS and everyone in the video that played and made me cry ?❤️ – EVERYONE took the time and I’m still speechless?) … I was still crying this morning in traffic because my heart is still processing everything ??Thank you just doesn’t seem to be enough ?? I cannot believe I have friends and family like this? Oh God, you are so mindful of me ??? Thank you for these gifts!!! I love them so much,” she captioned post.

“my loved ones put together the most incredible video ? and my work family made it all come to life with them ? I know love ?❤️ I know it and the fact that I am blessed is not lost on me. Thank you doesn’t do it ????To my loved ones and all those I hold dear who were part of this? I pray to be able to show you how much I love you always ?❤️ I can’t tell you how lucky I feel ?❤️ I still don’t have all the words, but trust me you’ll be getting these words and this love bursting for you in my heart.”