A charming moment Madonna gets surprised by Salma Hayek during her Mexico City celebration tour

A charming moment Madonna gets surprised by Salma Hayek during her Mexico City celebration tour

It was a brilliant end to Madonna’s Celebration Tour in Mexico City, with Salma Hayek appearing as Frida Kahlo.

Fans conversant with Madonna’s life and career already know that Frida Kahlo is seen as the singer’s inspiration and has been for a while. It was unclear what motivated her, but Salma Hayek won a lot of hearts with her Kahlo-inspired outfit.

It was a surprise to many people to see her turn out the way she did. While it was probably a surprise to Madonna as well, it was way more than that. It clearly showed that Hayek had picked the outfit to honour.

There couldn’t have been a better time to turn up in the Kahlo-inspired outfit. For one, it marked the conclusion of Madonna’s tour and carried an epic note to it – an epic end to a campaign that has seen Madonna thrill audiences with her charming voice.

If you missed that moment, with Hayek on stage with Madonna, you may want to check out the clip below.

That moment may have ended, but for many Madonna fans, the memory will continue to thrive. Talk about a brilliant social coup of sorts. Not bad for those who love a good time.